This weekend, several of our ensemble members did a presentation at the GirlsNow conference. The event, sponsored by the Girls' Empowerment Network was held at the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders. They offered lots of workshops for girls of all ages. Theatre Action Project did workshops on Body Image, Cyber-Bullying and Dating Violence Prevention.
Our ensemble took charge of the Dating Violence Prevention workshop. We used activities and drama to get conversations started about relationships. We played games with the participants to get everybody open to working together and then we performed a scene about controlling relationships.
This piece, originally devised by students in our summer program was re-mounted by our school-year ensemble to generate dialogue about relationship abuse.
Can you spot the controlling behavior??
This scene centers around 2 couples - one in a healthy relationship and the other in an abusive one.
Emotional and verbal abuse are at the core of this scene because we feel strongly that teens should be aware of forms of interpersonal violence beyond the physical. Controlling your partner, manipulating them emotionally, threatening, and putting them down are all abusive behaviors.
Anyone can become a victim of this kind of violence. We want to help teens know that this is NOT OK!
Sometimes, people can mistake jealousy for love
But controlling what your partner does, wears or says is abusive!
Remember: abuse is NEVER the victim's fault!!
Thanks to the GirlsNow Conference for inviting us!! We look forward to visiting again.
And now on a silly note, this is what happened when our folks got ahold of some hats that were lying around at the Ann Richards School . . .
Did someone say fabulous?
Nygia is always ready for her close-up!