Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Join the Free Summer CLYTE!

Are you a teen who'd enjoy creating art that makes a difference?
Is there a young person you know who inspires other youth to be their best?
Are you connected to someone who works with teens that could help us spread the word?

Some more info . . .

Who are we?
Changing Lives is a program of SafePlace and the Theatre Action Project. The Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble is a group of high school age artist/activists who create original performances about issues that affect teens. During the school year, our students create a play in the fall semester which we tour in the spring to various middle schools and community events. Our goal is to ignite dialogue about issues like bullying, dating violence, prejudice, homophobia through the art of theatre. During the school year, our students are paid a stipend for their work.

What's up this summer?
Right now we are looking for creative, outgoing youth ages 13-20 to be a part of our FREE summer program. This program will run from June 14th through August 4th. We will meet twice a week from 1-3pm at Paragon Prep school on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We will also host a FREE retreat to the Hill Country the weekend of July 16th & 17th. Positions for the summer are unpaid but if a student enrolled in the summer program is interested in committing to the program for the following school year, they will have the opportunity to fold into a paid position with the ensemble without auditioning.

Please reply to this email (please no 'reply all') or contact me via cell (361-537-6163) with interest or questions. Text & talk is OK - before 10 PM please.

If this message reaches you after June 14th, find me anyway -- there's always room for one more person if it's the right person. ;)