This week, we're featuring the voices of a few of our ensemble members. Check out what they have to say about our program!

Now in our new play, "Reach Out, Speak Up," a few main topics are bullying and rumor-spreading, which I believe is great. People should be informed about these things and also try to make a difference. Trying to make a difference makes a difference. :D

At school
I see others bullying each other
I see students disrespecting teachers
I see too much play fighting that turns into a real fight
I hear others getting bullied by their supposed-called friends
I see or hear that Bullies sometimes get away with it
Changing Lives makes you notice what's bullying or how it feels when you get bullied. You learn how to be yourself and tell others about the program and have others think about joining into Changing Lives to change others' lives and to stop bullying because it HURTS.
Hear more from our ensemble members next week!